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  • Writer's pictureJen Waldon

Simplify and Organize Your Schedule for a Chaotic-Free Summer

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Summer is a time we all want to slow down, let the evenings linger by the fire pit, and take a little extra time to spend with family and friends...create lasting memories. However, it can quickly become overwhelming if you find yourself juggling numerous commitments and struggling to keep up with a chaotic schedule. The key to enjoying a stress-free summer lies in simplifying and organizing your schedule. By implementing a few smart strategies, you can reclaim your time, maintain a sense of balance, and make the most of the season. Here are some effective ways to simplify and organize your schedule for a chaotic-free summer.

Prioritize Your Activities

Take a step back and identify your top priorities for the summer. What activities, events, or goals are most important to you? Establish clear priorities and get those on your calendars first. I encourage you to have a good balance of commitment/work-minded goals and recreational priorities on this list. Life doesn't always slow down in the summer, but it can certainly look differently than the normal school-year schedule.

Embrace Time Blocking

One effective technique for simplifying your schedule is time blocking. Dividing your day into dedicated blocks of time for specific activities or categories helps with time management and gives you permission to "let go" of work tasks. Work and chores will always be there. Give yourself grace to say, "I'm done for today." By assigning specific time periods for each task, you'll have a clearer picture of how to structure your days and ensure you allocate ample time to everything that's important to you. Work first, play later is our motto because who wants to leave the fun to then have to work. You do what is best for your family.

Consolidate and Delegate

Simplify your schedule by finding opportunities to consolidate or delegate tasks. Look for ways to combine errands or appointments to avoid unnecessary trips. Delegate responsibilities among family members, giving everyone a chance to contribute and share the workload. Remember, sharing tasks not only lightens your load but also strengthens bonds and fosters a sense of teamwork.

Emphasize What's Essential

Remember that priority list we discussed just a moment ago? Now match that against your to-do list. Can you identify any activities that can be eliminated or postponed without significant consequences? Learn to say no to activities or events that don't align with your priorities or bring you joy. By doing this you reclaim your time and create space for activities that truly matter.

Utilize Scheduling Tools

Every season, including summers, I like to take time to create or readjust our family schedule and home responsibilities. Embrace the idea of "lazy summers" when you are trying to scale back commitments...100%! However, remember that responsibilities with work and chores still exist. By creating or readjusting the family schedule you can "tighten ship", create clarity, and bring unified responsibility back to every "shipmate". Whether through technology or a good, old-fashioned command center of chore lists and wall calendars, take time now to streamline your schedule, set expectations, and write it down for the whole family to see or access.

A chaotic-free summer starts with simplifying and organizing your schedule. By prioritizing your activities, embracing time blocking, consolidating tasks, practicing essentialism, and utilizing organizing tools, you can create a schedule that allows you to enjoy the season to its fullest. Remember, the goal is not to fill every moment but to find a balance between productivity, relaxation, and meaningful experiences. With a simplified and organized schedule, you'll have the freedom to savor the joys of summer while avoiding overwhelm and chaos. So, take control of your time, embrace simplicity, and make this summer your most enjoyable and stress-free yet.


Did You Know...

Clutter increases stress: A 2009 study found that clutter increases the stress hormone cortisol in people, especially stay-at-home wives and moms. If your cortisol levels remain elevated over a long period, this can lead to depression and anxiety. Join the New Heights Community today and receive monthly tips on how to begin simplifying your life!

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