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  • Writer's pictureJen Waldon

Half Way...Held Back

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

It's January 16th...half way through the 1st month of 2023, in what's suppose to be the start of something new...but you've been held back! Held back from the fresh start, the resolution, the new plan. You've faced distractions, doubt, family stuff, winter illness, the holiday clean-up, re-establishing routine and the day-to-day. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, disappointed, or even feeling behind schedule.

Pause. Take a breath.

Step back and ask...

Are you really half way?

• Aren't you living day 16 of 365...(that's only 4% of the year)

• Aren't you beginning year 1 of the next 10, 20, 30 years...

You are not HALF WAY, you are JUST BEGINNING!

Today is your day to start something new! That begins with a NEW perspective.

Notice what you are feeling (don't ignore it)

Evaluate where those feelings are coming from (truth or deception)

Walk in the decision to manage those feelings aligned with truth

Our perspective can either keep us stagnant and making excuses, or forge us forward into new mindsets, habits and goals. Take time to notice how that makes your feel, align those feelings with what is true, then choose to not get sucked into disbelief. Our desires left to deceitful persuasion can devastate our motion. But our desires put in the hands of truthful persuasion can accelerate our motion.

Can I be transparent? I'm right in this space. I started 2023 with sick kids, holiday decorations lingering too long, home repairs that have left us removed from starting new habits, thrown back into the hustle and bustle of back to school and back to work. I've not had a moment to set goals for myself, my home, my business. I have thought about what I want for 2023 but those thoughts have not been set into motion because I've allowed my feelings to be persuaded with deceit. It is easy to feel like I missed the mark and started this year in failure. That is not truth! So now I must choose to walk in a decision to flip my perspective and align my feelings with truth. That truth...

• I'm a mom, wife and business person who can only put one foot in front of the other,

one step at a time, one decision at a time

• I'm not failing or falling behind

• I'm only 16 days into the rest of my life!

• I have goals and a vision that have been planted and are growing

Are you in the same space? Don't fret! You are not alone. Choose to see yourself as just beginning with a NEW perspective. Notice your feelings, evaluate their alignment with truth and walk in that new perspective. It's not too late!

Do not call to mind the former things, or under things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Let's gain NEW perspective!

You are not half way or held back. You are just beginning!

Happy New Year!

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